Where Data Leads the Way

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Tools for Easy Intelligence

Vertex Ai

Experience the power of our cutting-edge Large Language Model (LLM) designed to transform natural language processing. Our advanced AI service leverages state-of-the-art language understanding to enhance communication, automate tasks, and unlock new possibilities in text-based applications.


Data Analytics & Science




Natural language
processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language


Computer vision plays a vital role in medical imaging for tasks such as tumor detection, organ segmentation, and disease diagnosis


Image segmentation partitions an image into regions, identifying and localizing objects or their parts. This is essential for tasks such as object detection, tracking, and classification

Power BI

Power BI dashboards offer real-time updates and visually appealing charts for informed decision-making and performance monitoring
AI flashcard game designed to improve english vocabulary by using image recognition and AR for students which is helping students to improve their english vocabulary and understanding in their native language.

Tools for Easy

Vertex AI
Google Cloud's unified platform for building, deploying, and scaling machine learning models with fully managed infrastructure and tools.
Cloud SQL
Google's fully-managed database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, providing secure, reliable, and cost-effective data storage.
Google's serverless, petabyte-scale data warehouse for large-scale data analytics.
Microsoft's cloud analytics service for big data workloads on Azure Data Lake Store.
A pioneering AI provider, offering innovative tools for businesses to leverage artificial intelligence.
Power BI
Microsoft's business analytics tool for data visualization and sharing insights, enabling informed decision-making.

Case Studies



  1. Improved Sales: By strategically placing related items together and offering targeted promotions, the supermarket sees an increase in sales revenue
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers benefit from more relevant product recommendations and a better shopping experience, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty
  3. Optimized Inventory Management: The supermarket reduces stockouts and excess inventory by aligning product availability with customer demand
  4. Cost Savings: Through more efficient promotional strategies and inventory management, the supermarket reduces costs and improves overall profitability


  1. Increased User Engagement: By providing personalized movie and TV show recommendations tailored to individual user preferences
  2. Improved Content Discovery: The recommendation system enabled users to discover new and relevant content that matched their interests and viewing history
  3. Enhanced User Satisfaction: By delivering personalized recommendations, Netflix improved user satisfaction and loyalty


  1. Accurate Price Predictions: The developed pricing model provides accurate predictions of residential property prices, allowing sellers to set competitive prices based on data-driven insights and market trends
  2. Improved Decision Making: Sellers can make more informed decisions about pricing strategies, property listings, and negotiations, leading to faster transactions and higher sales volumes
  3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Clients benefit from transparent and evidence-based pricing recommendations, resulting in improved satisfaction and trust in the agency's services
Diverse Impact of DS
  • Data science in education enhances teaching methodologies, personalizes learning experiences, and improves student outcomes..
  • It enables educators to identify at-risk students early, tailor interventions, and enhance overall student success rates.
  • By analyzing learning patterns and feedback, data science helps institutions refine curricula, optimize resources, and better meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Assess and mitigate risks more effectively, leading to better decision-making and reduced financial losses.
  • Automated trading systems improve efficiency, liquidity, and returns for investors.
  • Analyse big data sets, sentiment analysis, and social media data.
  • Understanding customer needs and preferences through data analysis.
  • Data science in healthcare improves patient outcomes by enabling personalized treatment plans, predictive analytics for early disease detection, and more efficient resource allocation.
  • It enhances clinical decision-making through analysis of medical imaging, genetic data, and patient records, leading to more accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
  • Data science also plays a crucial role in public health by tracking disease outbreaks, identifying health trends, and facilitating evidence-based policy-making for better population health management.
  • Predict customer demand by analysing historical sales data, market trends, and external factors.
  • Forecast profit, sales and demand of the customers to plan ahead of time.
  • Deliver personalised marketing messages and offers to individual customers based on their purchase.
  • Segment customer base into distinct groups based on demographics.
a versatile capability

Delivering high quality digital experience across teams.

For marketing team

From creating fast-growing brands, crafting strategies to developing websites or running campaigns - I help marketing teams to take digital perspective at heart to deliver high-quality digital marketing experiences.

For product team

From creating fast-growing brands, crafting strategies, making sales materials and presentations to shipping websites or running campaigns - I plan, design, code and deliver high-quality products that bring real intrinsic business values.

Case studies.

Utilise the power of data analysis and data science with our comprehensive solutions. From dynamic Power BI dashboards to precise demand, sales, and profit forecasting, we use machine learning techniques to drive your business forward with actionable insights


Market Basket Analysis:

Problem Statement:
A supermarket chain wants to optimize product placement and promotions to increase sales and customer satisfaction. They aim to understand the purchasing behaviour of their customers and identify associations between products to recommend relevant items and improve cross-selling strategies
  • Improved Sales: By strategically placing related items together and offering targeted promotions, the supermarket sees an increase in sales revenue
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers benefit from more relevant product recommendations and a better shopping experience, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Optimized Inventory Management: The supermarket reduces stockouts and excess inventory by aligning product availability with customer demand
  • Cost Savings: Through more efficient promotional strategies and inventory management, the supermarket reduces costs and improves overall profitability
Problem Statement:
A supermarket chain wants to optimize product placement and promotions to increase sales and customer satisfaction. They aim to understand the purchasing behaviour of their customers and identify associations between products to recommend relevant items and improve cross-selling strategies

Recommendation System:

Problem Statement:
Problem Statement: OTT platform aimed to improve user engagement and retention by providing personalized movie and TV show recommendations
  • Increased User Engagement: By providing personalized movie and TV show recommendations tailored to individual user preferences
  • Improved Content Discovery: The recommendation system enabled users to discover new and relevant content that matched their interests and viewing history
  • Enhanced User Satisfaction: By delivering personalized recommendations, Netflix improved user satisfaction and loyalty
Problem Statement:
OTT platform aimed to improve user engagement and retention by providing personalized movie and TV show recommendations
Nguyen Huu Phuc Portfolio - Case Study - MMA Smarties APAC Award - Yomost Case Video

Price Prediction Using Machine Learning:

Problem Statement:
A real estate agency wants to develop a pricing model that accurately predicts the selling price of residential properties based on their characteristics. The agency aims to provide sellers with data-driven insights to set competitive prices and maximize their property's value in the market
  • Accurate Price Predictions: The developed pricing model provides accurate predictions of residential property prices, allowing sellers to set competitive prices based on data-driven insights and market trends.
  • Improved Decision Making: Sellers can make more informed decisions about pricing strategies, property listings, and negotiations, leading to faster transactions and higher sales volumes.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Clients benefit from transparent and evidence-based pricing recommendations, resulting in improved satisfaction and trust in the agency's services.
Problem Statement:
A real estate agency wants to develop a pricing model that accurately predicts the selling price of residential properties based on their characteristics. The agency aims to provide sellers with data-driven insights to set competitive prices and maximize their property's value in the market.